Working with Liz
One on One Support
Your Personalized Therapeutic Approach
Finding Hidden Courage was created as a place of wisdom and comfort, created for people experiencing life challenges as a result of major trauma and or loss. Liz’s passion is to help guide people who are experiencing their own “dark night of the soul” and offer them real solutions and options to help restore their lives to health, happiness and balance.
There are 5 significant aspects of wholeness that experts have identified. They are Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Social and Intellectual. Liz’s approach to wholeness, healing and well-being incorporates these aspects but also includes the often forgotten practical needs such as Legal and Financial. She strives to offer the Finding Hidden Community real resources and practical steps to help people find their way out of the darkness.
Liz Jamieson-Dunne works with select clients who need that one-on-one guidance and assistance. Her mentorship and coaching allows her to share her wisdom and training with her clients to ensure that they have the support they need as they move from pain to joy. To see if Liz can help you, set up a FREE phone discovery call. She currently has a variety of coaching and mentorship options depending on your needs. Once she’s gotten to know you better, she will recommend the best course of action.

The Susan L. Burgert M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Survivorship Program
Finding Hidden Courage was inspired by my niece, Susan, that started a Survivorship program for women facing ‘below the belt’ cancers. She passed December 2018 after a valiant 4 ½ year fight from cancer. I dedicate Finding Hidden Courage to her. She continues to live on through her love of life, courage, and her humility.
She dedicated her life to empowering gynecologic cancer survivors, raising funds to support research efforts, and increasing awareness about ‘below the belt’ cancers. A portion of funds raised by Finding Hidden Courage, whether through book sales, donations, or other methods, will be donated to:
The Susan L. Burgert M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Survivorship Program.
For those interested in contributing directly to The Susan Burgert Survivorship Fund, please visit the program website’s Charitable Giving section. Whether you prefer to donate online, via phone or in the mail, please make sure you specify that you would like the donation to go towards Susan Burgert’s Survivorship Fund.